This is us going to Theta Camo Rush in 1997
Jules has Cindy at her house and I have made contact with Amanda Ann! What a friend frenzy we are having this week! It makes me all giddy inside.
Amanda and I were the best of buds while I was attending OBU. We have not seen each other or talked since 1999/2000, until today. We found each other again!(and no it was not through any social media sites either, believe it or not!) I found her info in the OBU alumni newsletter
and it about took my breath away. I emailed her, hoping she would be as excited as me....and she was! I am so excited about having her back in my life!(Another friend who lives away from me. One of these days I will make a good friend who lives in the same town, dadgumit!) We were both transfers in a sea of freshman, so we of course, became fast friends. We lived across the hall from each other and we both had awful roommates. I had no car, but she had a kick'n Ford Escort named Elmer, so she was my ride! We tanned together, walked together, ate together, pledged Theta together, laughed together ( mostly at my expense, of course), hung out at Asher's together and did a lot of things we probably shouldn't have...but boy, we had fun!
So, here is to a week of rekindled friendships, Laughter, fond memories and good history.