I got to touch her sweet face, look in her pretty hazel eyes and hear her contagious laugh in person. I love my big sister and I am SO glad I got to spend 24 hours with her this week. We were showing off how we looked alike with the same hair-do in this picture. Looking alike is rare for us so we have to own it when we do!

Loving on my fab four makes this heart of mine beat a little louder. I love these babies as though they are my very own. They think Aunt Abby is crazy and I am cool with that. Daniel, Samuel, Anna and David are such precious little gifts from God.

Samuel is 13 and too cool for school until Henry hits the scene. He lets Henry take over his man cave and I just love that...and so does Henry! Henry is also still trying to figure out if David and Daniel are the same person or if it is really two of them. Bless his little heart!

Knowing Henry has the fab four to look after him, teach him and mother/father him make me feel so blessed. I know I can count on him to always be in good hands when he is at
Juju's house. Now,
Juju may be the only one changing his diaper when he get a little stinky, but that is what makes
Juju extra special, I reckon!

I still picture my
Sambo as Henry's age in a cute little romper and rubber toed
Keds yelling "
sucka" with his eyes closed because that boy loved a sucker....but it is so not the case in real life. He is actually taller than me now and it is so sad. He loves it and thinks it is just way too cool, but it is insane for me to accept. I hope Henry is half the 13 year old Samuel is. What a God-fearing boy he is...love this teenage child of mine!

Henry had great fun with his cousins this week. He got to swim and go to the summer library program with his cousins. He will be back next week for a 5 day visit all by himself. He can hardly wait to get back to his
Juju's house! I love how she loves my boy as though he is her very own baby boy...but I guess I have always loved hers the exact same way. I love my sister!