Mama sent these pictures over the weekend. They made me smile. All of the little girls were in the Fort visiting grandparents and they got together for a little play time with
Marmie/Aunt "Taffy" and Gigi/Aunt J -
tbeo (my mama and her sister...in case you are confused). Anna K and Gracie B are only a few months apart in age and they adore seeing one another the few times a year that they are able to. They literally squeal. I can actually hear that squeal as I type this. So cute! Then there is little Molly who is subject to do whatever those big girls want to do. Sweet little thing!
This picture above instantly made me think of the one below...

I went and took a photo of it in my scrapbook and here it is. Sarah is Grace's mama and she always had a little brother who tagged along with us. Bless his heart. Look at him. At least we did not make him wear a uniform with us! Julie was a cheerleader and we often played dress up in her uniforms and performed for anyone who would watch us. Anna and Grace remind me
sooo much of us. I love it! Sarah and I got to see each other all the time, unlike the other little girls.

These sweet faces just melt my heart. I love those eyes and those smiles. They are loved
fiercely by so many and it shows in how they in turn love right back. Such sweeties. I am so glad they got to play together this past weekend. What a treat. Mama said when Anna got in her car and figured out they were going to Aunt J's to see Grace that Anna squealed over and over. I love how our love for one another has poured into this little generation of
Titlon/Davis girls!

Here is another of
Sa and me posing in front of our house in the middle of
Skywood before a
NHS football game. She was all decked out in one of Julie's track t-shirts (Julie did NOT run track...just to clarify. We always got free t-shirts because of Daddy. We thought we were cool. I am not sure we were...but ignorance is bliss!) and a bedazzled denim jacket. I also wore the same t-shirt and a denim jacket without the dazzle to this game...we dressed as
twinkies. I remember it well. I guess the ole 110 camera took the photo before I was ready! Anyway, I just love that the little girls are now making memories like we older girls now cherish in our hearts forever.