I guess it has been a while since I have updated you few faithful followers on what has been going on or not going on in my little life. I feel like all I post is food these days! I am getting a little tired of food...just sayin!
My little booger bear turned 18 months last week. So exciting and so hard to believe. Our monthly photos are getting harder and harder to take, as you can tell! He is too busy to sit still and his favorite thing to say right now is, "no way!"(he says it with a big dose of of 'tude too). Fun times, I tell ya!
Henry is so rotten. He got to go to Memphis to see all his "people" last week for an overnight stay. Not only does he have a Juju who is CRAZY about him, he has a cousin who wants to take Juju's reign as queen aunt. I think Juju may have a tough fight on her hands. Hollye is our first cousin. We come from a very small family and she is an only child. She is more like a sister to us. I just think Julie never intended to have to go into battle with her over Henry. Hollye was trying to get Him to throw up a #1 in this picture so we could send it to Juju. I love these girls and love it so much that they have great fun loving my boy. What a blessing!
Henry has been busy playing outside and he could care less if it is hot or not. I do care but his wishes trump mine. He has played with his second cousin Caden two Saturdays in a row and loved it! Their Daddy's are first cousins and they live an hour from us. They cooked crawfish the past two weekends and since Randall loves a mudbug, we have been there with bells on. Caden is a year older than Henry and has all sorts of things to teach him. Henry plays so hard with him, gets so dirty, and then sleeps so good afterwards. So sweet!
The ole sweet little Maximus is outta here! I have to brag that I sold the ole piece on Craigslist in 30 minutes last week. 30 minutes after I posted the listing I had cash in hand and she had rolled on out of the drive to her new home. There were literally 2 men fighting over it and one cursed me when he realized he was not going home with it. I was floored at the interest in my OLD loaded out "rig" and so excited to see her roll on out in a flash...even if I had to endure some cursing! I successfully bought a new car and sold the old one on Craigslist in the same week. Never had I ever purchased or sold a thing on that site until now. I am a fan as I cruise in my new "rig".
I will post some couponing tidbits next week....stay tuned!
