Here are a few tips:
In Arkansas the Proctor & Gamble coupons run the first Sunday of the month (except holiday weekends)in the Democrat-Gazette. These are the best coupons.
The Red Plum runs about every Sunday in most local papers.
You can purchase coupons on Ebay if you wish. Order from people above the Mason Dixson Line because the further north you go, the higher the discount on the coupon. Their groceries cost more, so their coupons are better.
You can print coupons on all manufacturers websites. Look up those things you use most.
Coupons.com is a great online coupon site. They load new coupons on Monday's. Know that some stores do not accept computer printed coupons. Check your local stores for their policies.
Target.com has great coupons. You just have to look for them! You can use their coupon and a manufacturers coupon for the same item. A really great deal.
Walgreens will also let you use Register Rewards from their store and a manufactures coupon for the same item. There are some tricks to this that I have trouble explaining though. Ask the nice person at the cosmetics counter if you have questions. They also have coupons at their counter that they can share!
So, this is a small insight into what I have learned and it should help you out if you are curious about getting into couponing. Good luck to you!!

Four-Layer Delight
I got this recipe from my BFF when we made our family cookbook in 2004. I love it and often forget about. I am making it this weekend for Father's Day. Randall loves it and Henry is a sucker for pudding. It is also a nice summertime dessert...cool and light.
1/2 c. butter
1 c. flour
8 oz. softened cream cheese
1 c. powdered sugar
1 c. Cool Whip
1 lg. box instant pudding (chocolate or vanilla)
3 c. milk
Press first 3 ingredients into a 9x13 inch pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Cool completely. Mix together the cream cheese, powdered sugar and 1 cup Cool Whip. Put on top of crust. Mix pudding with milk and pour over top. Then top pudding with Cool Whip. Chill until set. You can top with chocolate curls or pecans if you desire.

Happy Food Friday!