Here is the hallway floor - unfinished and finished. Randall did this all by himself and has the wound to prove it. Bless his heart, but it sure is a pretty floor!
And for the record, I am every woman! I lifted the deep freezer and the couch like a pro, after complaining about it on Friday. Randall was amazed at my new and improved strength. I was proud, I must admit! Thanks, Sue, for the offer to help on Friday. It was so sweet of you! Because Rand worked until after 7:00 on Friday night, we had to wait and move out of the apt. on Saturday. It was crazy, but we got it done. This week we will gear up for the guest bathroom remodel, taking place next weekend. It is going to be quite the tedious chore. I look forward to the day that my house is a home. I think it will be a while though. Pray for my sanity. I couldn't find my shoes this morning and Rand could not find his t-shirts. Our new neighbor, Norenda, brought us homemade cinnamon rolls on Sunday. We were so excited to meet a nice neighbor and have her bake for us. She said she will put fresh bread in our mailbox from time to time. Yummy times ahead!