It is Food Friday! I introduced this a few weeks ago and said it would be a mix of recipes, ramblings about food, and a host of other things related to food. Well, this week is an example of a post with no recipes and instead a little rambling. Above you see the weekly Food Friday photo of can't be Friday without a food photo of our little foodie! It is posted first this time, instead of last, because I am a dork and loaded the photos backwards. He is not eating in this picture, as you can see, but he is in a field of soybeans so I thought it would work...a stretch I know! He went with his Daddy to check on his beans and corn last weekend. I love my boys and I treasure our fun times. We grill a lot at our house. Almost too much. We tend to grill the same things too. pork chops, chicken, fish and burgers. We use the same seasonings and really don't think outside of the box. We are getting bored with our meat. If you grill and have some great recipes or ideas to sha...