Yesterday as I was sitting on my comfy couch I started thinking about Memorial Day. It is a long holiday weekend to go see family, go to the lake or go the beach. Yet, this holiday (also known as Decoration Day) is really a day set aside for us to honor our soldiers. As I continued to sit on my comfy couch I watched a news segment about some local veterans. Most if those men were in their late seventies and early eighties and fought in WWII. They are not going to be around too much longer to share their wisdom with us and share their stories. We need to take the time to thank them every chance we get and allow them to share their story with us. Our soldiers are the ones who defend our country, its values and its freedom. We also have our new veterans coming back from a war that has seen much controversy. We must thank them in the same way because they have fought just as hard as those in the World Wars, Korean War and Vietnam. Regardless if we think this current war is right or wrong, ...