My menu planning has been bad lately. This month has not only been a boring July, but a lazy menu planning month. Hurry, August, hurry!
I am not someone that can just throw ingredients together and have a meal. I really need to have a plan so I can shop and be prepared.
Tonight I decided we would have tostadas. I had corn tortillas and ground beef so it would be perfect. Except that I didn't have chips or salsa and that would not go over well with the fam. So, I made chips! I just cut up the tortillas and fried them. They were so good. I fried the whole tortilla and made the tostadas.
Anna helped me make homemade salsa and it was a hit! There was no lettuce or tomatoes, because I didn't buy any! The guys were impressed and so was I a bit. It isn't often I impress anyone in the kitchen.
It's meals like this that make me feel like the kids may look back on their childhood and think I was a good cook!