Henry Patton is 3 months old
Henry has grown so much since his 1 month post... and he has grown quite a bit from his 2 month post. He can hold his head up. He can babble like crazy. He likes to hit his mobile toys. He loves his Daddy a lot right now. He can sleep 6 to 7 hours on a good night. He is a morning person and loves to smile when he wakes up. When he gets real excited he spits up...it is a tad bit annoying, yet cute. His reflux is better this month with the new formula. He has battled a cold all month but is on the mend. He likes his daycare teachers and is a lot calmer at home thanks to daycare. He has found his hands and likes to suck on them when his paci falls out. He likes to go fast in the car and hates when you hit the brakes for a stop light. He loves his bathtub and likes to splash. He discovers something new each day. He is still the sweetest little blessing. At night I love watching him sleep so peacefully in his bed. I stand by his crib and smile, and somestimes cry, while I thank God for such a special little gift. Abby