I have not opened up and vented in a long time. I know you have missed it. ha. I really don't have the time to sit and think long enough to warrant a venting session these days but tonight I think I will do some airing out and sharing my thoughts ( I know you are most excited - ha).
Jules and I started this blog 3 years ago ( our blogiversary is in 3 days!) as a way to share our lives together and to have fun keeping our friends and family updated on our activities and such. It has been so fun. Since the time we started, the blog world has exploded. We are not a cutting edge blog for the most part, we do not get comments but the ones from Kelley and our Daddy from time to time, but we do get traffic, lots of traffic. We are cool with that and do not care that people read without commenting, though we would dig having you comment! We just hope we leave each of you with a smile, a laugh and or encouragement in one way or another. We are not on here to be proud, boastful or rude. We are on here to simply have fun reporting our ins and outs of life.
Now, how many of you read lots of other blogs? I am sure all of you do. That is cool. We read lots too. In your readings do you ever leave the screen feeling inadequate, questioning your place in life and/or feeling as though you need to strive for more in life in a non encouraging way? I ask this because I sometimes do. There are so many blogs out there where young women are in a battle against each other on who can show off more, who can look better, who can craft better, who can dress their child better, who can cook better, who can decorate better, who can appear more spiritual,etc. You know what I am talking about and you are shaking your head and smiling in agreement...I know.
Are you as sick of it as I am?! I have recently chatted with Jules and a close friend about this and it is so funny because we all 3 have the same exact feelings about it. It is sad, really. Our society is so open now with all this social media. "Keeping up with the Jones' " has now taken on a whole new meaning.
I just want to make it known that this is not a blog that will ever take part in such activity. I will speak for myself here and gladly admit a few things that most would not dare share because it might make the comments stop, the traffic slow down and their "coolness" factor drop a few ranks...I am not ashamed that I am a working mother of an infant, that we drive older model cars so we can pay for them and not have car payments, that we only buy clothes on sale racks, we eat lots of store brand food and we have lots of bare walls in our house because wall art is most expensive. my cellphone is old school but I use it because it is paid for by my work and I adore that, I ruin recipes sometimes and have my husband ask me to never cook those certain dishes again. I have a baby that cries about 2 hours each evening and tests my patience at times, I struggle with weight and will until the day I get to heaven and claim my skinny/tall body, and I struggle making time to develop new/adult friendships. Diet Coke is my vice, Julie and I used to fight like crazy while growing up, I have not joined a church in Jonesboro because I cannot find one I like and we have lived here for 2 years, and I formula feed my baby and have no guilt about it. I could go on and on but there is no need. I just want to prove a point. Point proven?
I just want to share all this in order to say that this blog site is real, honest and humble. Jules and I have nothing to boast about or hide. We hope you can come here and see that about us. We are as honest and real as it comes. If you know us in person, you know that this honesty is almost a fault in both of us! Yes, we will brag about our 5 fabulous kiddos, our great buys, and all the good things that happen to us, but only because we want you to rejoice with us. Thank you for loving our warts and reading about them, and thank you for letting us tell you about the good things that happen to us also. I hope you never leave our blog feeling as though we are shallow and/or boastful. These sister girls are the real deal and we love that you stop by from time to time and read about us. It is the coolest thing!