This song makes my insides smile. I think the feeling this song evokes is truly Christmas.
This past week I was able to meet the sweet person that is lending Julie's family a home as they transition into their new ministry. She moved to my town with her husband, who also serves the Lord in ministry. I hunted her down and went to her work with a plant in one hand and a card in another. She had no idea who I was and I had no idea who she was. I only knew her name. No one knew I was going and I had no idea where I was going. I just felt the urge to go, so I did.
It is amazing how the love of Jesus suddenly bonds two people in just a simple introduction. She cried, I cried, we hugged, we laughed and we shared our love for my sister. I tear up typing this. It is such a comfort to know that there are good, Godly people who listen and obey, and step out on a limb to help those who are suffering for the kingdom. I am not in the ministry. I have a sister who is and I had grandparents who were. From them I have learned that it is truly a calling and not for the weak of heart. The sacrifice these people make to share the message of Jesus so often goes unnoticed.
This Christmas I am seeing Christmas in action for my own family, and I thank God for it. What an amazing gift to my soul. We are usually the ones giving and not receiving. Julie will admit it is a real jolt to the soul to be on the receiving end. She is precious. I love my sister, if you didn't already know that! I was getting a little jaded and I can honestly say watching Julie go through this and receiving from the kindness of others has softened me in a great way. This IS Christmas!
I hope Julie can one day share the ins and outs of this journey with you. She is not able to do that right now, but I assure you she is filled with joy, wearing a smile and always has a laugh for me when we chat. Keep praying for them and she will be blogging again as soon as she is able.