Henry looks so stylish in his Mandy Ann outfit
If you can spot me, you can spot my sweet friend Amanda with the short blonde hair right next to me. We are on the bottom of the pile.We both transferred as sophomores and lived across the hall from one another long enough to develop a strong bond (I moved up 3 floors pretty quick because I had a bipolar roommate who threw my hot rollers at me one night when we went to eat pizza and did not invite her. Not cool). Amanda majored in nursing and took her schooling very seriously. She was the most disciplined 19 year old on earth, I promise! I was not. She had a cool car she called "Elmer" and we rolled the streets of Shawnee, OK like nobody's business in that thing. She and I made many memories in the very short time we had together.
Today she is married to a wonderful guy, a mother of two and makes clothing for children. She made these sweet things for my Henry and sent them to me this week. I am thrilled that Henry will be wearing these handmade things from her. I am so impressed with her skill and creativity.
Please visit her Etsy shop here. If you are on Facebook become a fan of Mandy Ann Clothing.
Thank you, Amanda!