The anticipated day came today. Test scores.
As homeschoolers in Arkansas, students in grades 3-9 are required to take a standardized test each spring. It's just one day of testing and hey get to spend the day with friends and have snacks!
Today we got the test scores and they did great! It's nice as the mom to know that I'm teaching them what they need to learn and that they are actually learning it. We usually so something fun as a family for good test scores and today was no exception.
After Samuel's ball game (to clarify, he doesn't start nor does he normally play on the varsity team but he always dresses out and travels with the team. He is treated as a team member.) today we headed to Kobe's.
Kobe is an Asian restaurant where they cook the food at your table. David and Daniel love it, but Anna doesn't like it at all. I hated that we were going there, but really hoped she would like it.
And look at that picture! She liked it. She even ate a salad. She is our pickiest eater, and does not eat salad. She ate everything tonight and liked it. I was thrilled!
It was a fun day of celebrating good grades, hard work, perseverance, and learning!