I know some of you wonder how we do school so I thought I'd give you a little look inside our school day.
6:20 Samuel's alarm goes off and he wakes up.
7:20 I wake up
7:45 I take Samuel to school for his geometry class.
8:00 I get home, start a load of laundry, kids make breakfast.
8:45 I go back to school to pick up Samuel
9:00 back home, D,D,&A are ready for school, Samuel fixes breakfast
I out clothes in dryer, another load in washer
David and Daniel do english. Anna does spelling words and then reading
9:45 Samuel joins us and does his geometry homework
David and Daniel do spelling words, and literature
Anna does math
10:30 Samuel does literature
David and Daniel do English, then health, history and science
Anna does English, history, science
12:00 lunch!
The times are approximate, the subjects vary from day to day. Somedays I teach History, and Science, other days they read their books.
We enjoy doing school this way. We are comprehensive in our approach. We want our children to have a well rounded, thorough education. We believe they are receiving it. They test well on regular school tests and standardized tests.
I love having them home. Yes, I long for a day of peace, quiet and solitude, but I wouldn't trade this time with them. No, I don't have much patience. Yes, I yell at my children. I'm not some super mom, I'm just normal, and we homeschool.