A year ago today Abby and I asked for prayer for mom as she was having surgery. Little did we know that the three day scheduled hospital stay would turn into a three week stay.
Those weeks were full of days that were trying on many levels. I cried, worried, laughed, and texted. Oh man did I text! Trying to keep everyone up to date on moms condition was important and something I did often. Crying, worrying, and laughing were also things I did often.
Some of my sweetest times with mom were times she doesn't even remember. She was asleep, breathing with the help of the ventilator and I would lay my head on her shoulder and pray. And cry. She wore my mascara on the shoulder of her gown for many days.
I also had some sweet times with The Lord. Oh, I poured my heart out to Him with tears and without. Abby and I began the hospital stay just praying that we wouldn't embarrass ourselves by our gagging. Neither of us like hospitals! God was good to answer that prayer. As He was our other prayers. And not just our prayers but the prayers of you that read this blog and our facebook friends and so many others.
God is awesome. Although it was a trying time with many believing that mom might not make it out of ICU, God showed Himself faithful and true. You know, you may think that if bad things happen God isn't answering your prayers. That isn't true. I am not a perfect person, neither are you. Neither are doctors. Bad things happen, but God keeps His children in the palm of His hand. Although Abby and I cried and worried, we were always comforted in knowing that God is good all the time.
All that to say that we are so glad that March of 2012 is over. So far March 2013 is much better!!
Thanks for loving us and praying for us last year. We haven't forgotten.