It is oppressive. I love using that word and am using it any chance I can when referring to the heat of 2010. My word...can a sister catch a breeze?! Anyway, the kitchen was closed at our house this week. No cakes, no casseroles, no wonderful stove top dishes. Frozen meals and quick grabs were my friend. Those foods wear on a girls taste buds after a few days though. I am ready for a little something, something from the oven.
I have been eating lunch out with girlfriends quite a bit this summer. I love lunch menus, good girl fun without the guilt of leaving the son or hubs at home to fend for themselves like we would at dinner time, and the fellowship...sweet fellowship! I fear I make my working gals late getting back to work because I am in no hurry to rush off these days. I am learning more about my sweet friends and deepening my relationships. It makes my heart happy and puts a smile on my face. If you are my personal friend, live in my town and not had lunch with me this summer...we must hook up!
Food, Inc.
Have you heard of this? if not, you must watch this trailer. It is eye-opening. I am not going to share my thoughts too much on this because the food/chemical industry puts food on my table, but it makes me think about all the processed foods I eat (like the frozen meals I have eaten all week). I liked one of the author's of this companion book saying that if your great-grandmother would not recognize it, don't buy it! Anyway, it is worth a quick glimpse. Pretty interesting, I thought.
Happy Food Friday!