This is Henry getting an upper GI test. It looks sad, but he actually really enjoyed it, sadly enough. The heart paci in his mouth makes me smile. Poor baby. He has reflux and we are trying our best to get him relief. Between formula change, meds, and other tricks, we are trying to get drama free feedings around here. Pray for our little guy's GI tract to mature quickly!
Henry's Nonnie (Randall's mother) came to meet him over the weekend. He enjoys his weekend company. He has yet to have a weekend without a grandparent...spoiled boy!
Nonnie got to feed Henry. Our feedings are sometimes pretty stressful because of the reflux. He sure is cute when he eats though. We love all his fun burp rags (He has 22 burp rags and they are ALL monogrammed....LOVE IT!) and looking into his little eyes as he gulps as fast as he can. So cute, he is.
Henry is more alert each day. The only toy he pays any attention to these days is his new gloworm he got from Hollye, Claire and Thew for Christmas. I think it is the light on it that grabs his attention. He likes to listen to his Jesus Loves Me bear he got as a gift from Hollye's MIL and his musical horsey he got from Grandaddy and Aunt Connie when they found out I was pregnant. He listens to them on his changing table when he is getting diapered and dressed. He is so fun to observe each day.
He likes his swing and he is noticing the little mobile more each day. I think the motion soothes his reflux. He is really filling out his swing more and more each day. He will be driving a car around JTown before too long.
Henry is learning that napping in his bed and lying awake in his bed for a while is an okay thing. He is so cute when he is awake in his bed. This is what I get to see before I pick him up. I love those arms. I can't wait until they reach for me.
This is Henry's mad face. This is the face I get to see when his bottle is empty and he wants more or when the flash of the camera blinds him for the 1000th!
Henry's Daddy is a great multi-tasker. He comes down from his office to work often so he can spend time with his little guy. Henry likes working with his Daddy and his Daddy likes the companionship. He is the best coworker ever!
And this is me soaking up my baby and stealing all his kisses. I am so blessed to have this sweet baby to look after each day. Even at 2:00 in the morning, fuzzy eyed and listening to a refluxing baby scream, I count it all joy.