Ash, Jen & Me headed to the beach
St. Patrick's Day makes me think of my friend Ashlea... and our wedding. She LOVES all things Irish. She backpacked in Ireland after her graduation from UCA. I have a Celtic ring I wear from time to time and Irish ankle socks that she bought for me on her trip (ankle socks are my fav!).
Anyway, I had so many friends and not enough spots for bridesmaids, when we got married. So, I had my 3 girlfriends from UCA (we were all communication majors) read or sing...I had them communicate!
Ashlea read this blessing (below) before we were pronounced husband & wife. I just LOVE it. When I read it I can hear her soft voice and the special way she read it. She and Jenny both read and they read their pieces so wonderfully...not sing songy, but just perfectly. It was most special. (Jenny read Bride to Be after Daddy walked me down the aisle.)
May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the rains fall soft upon you
and the warm rays of sun fall upon your face
May green be the grass you walk on
May blue be the skies above you
May pure be the joys that surround you
May true be the hearts that love you
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
My random way to say, "Happy St. Patrick's Day!