Last night one of the womens Sunday School classes and I hosted a womens dinner in the fellowship hall at church. Our goal was to get women of all ages together, and get to know each other so that we could form relationships that would help us along our spiritual journey through life. We had 59 women sign up to attend! We were so excited! The class did a wonderful job of decorating, they chose colors of turquoise and black. They hand delivered invitations to the women in their SS classes and then made place cards that were little bags with candy inside them at each table. It was so much fun. We made sure that everyone had a "buddy" to sit with but other than that we tried to put everyone with someone they wouldn't normally come in contact with. We had 6 teenage girls work as servers, they even dressed in white shirts and black pants. They did a wonderful job, of plating food, and making sure everyone had enough to drink. The class, whose name is the Joy class, so the evening was titled Seasons of Joy, even gave out CLASS awards, I think it stood for Christian Ladies Are Something Special, things like Most comical, sweetest smile, best dressed, best hair, most gentle spirit, best laugh, best influence, most outgoing, etc. And those of you that know me will not believe this one-I won most outgoing!!!!! Can you believe it? Wow, I must really have them fooled!We had such a good time, the ladies that helped me pull this off were terrific. There wasn't much of a spiritual emphasis on the night, I really wanted all of us to get together and get to know a little about each other. I had everyone (well not everyone did it, but I asked) fill out a survey that asked questions like what are your hobbies, would you attend a Bible study, what activities are you interest in, etc... and out of the 42 surveys that were returned 33 said that they would attend a womens Bible study if one was offered. I am so excited!! I know that 33 women won't come, but I'm excited that we got such a good response back from these women.
love you, mamaw
Way to go...God has brought you to such a great place. I am so proud.